黑色的钻石—安琪个展 | 三影堂厦门展讯
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现为独立摄影师,国际摄影家联盟(GPU)会员,纽约摄影学会摄影学会PSNY 会员,英国皇家摄影学会(RPS)会员,厦门市城市摄影协会会员,中国图库签约摄影师,东方IC/图虫签约摄影师。
曾参加2018年,中国平遥国际摄影大展,中国奈曼国际摄影文化节,摩洛哥“巴拉特之光”国际摄影艺术节等摄影节的主题展。亦在多个摄影赛事中,获得荣誉,包括第三届新加坡狮城国际影展 PSS勋带奖,最“城市记忆-金砖同行”摄影比赛二等奖、优秀奖,人文厦门摄影大赛年度二等奖,意大利蒙泰瓦尔基“致敬妇女”国际巡赛建筑特别奖,第46届西班牙TROFEO GIPUZKOA国际摄影展FIAP银牌等。
Featured Works
虚无 Nihility
戏梦 Fantasy
生命之光 Light of life
煤赋 2 Ode of coal No.2
The Dark Diamonds
A solo exhibition of An Qi
Organiser:Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre
Opening: 10, March, 2019 15:00
Curator: ZHONG Linchun
Duration:10 , March—10 , April, 2019
Venue: Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre (301, Building No. 2, Xinlinwan Business Center, Jimei District, Xiamen)
Text / Zhong Linchun
For Chinese southerners, coal is a familiar but never experienced thing. When talking about energies, we are more intimate with natural gas or firewoods.
But for An Qi, who was born in 1980s in Shanxi, coal blocks are his childhood toys. surrounded by coal mines, his family and even most people in his city heavily rely on the coal industry. He said that he had a special inbred complex on coals, and he tried to comprehend them. In addition with his passion on photography, he once shot several series in relation to coal.
He spent four years in shooting coal mines, covering various aspects: the entrance of coal mines, working surface, vents of mines, coal preparation plants, logistics supports, subsidence area, miners and their families, even dictations and pictures from old generations. Consequently, he accumulated a vast number of pictures, but the intricacy behind them is too difficult to demonstrate in short. The endeavor of this exploration is still worthy. He eventually decided to concentrate on the essence of those coal blocks.
Trees receive sunlight and are buried underground to become coal. Finally, they are burned into ashes. These natural illusions are caused by the so-called Karma. As a substance, the coal itself is completely neutral. But what is not neutral is people's minds, their desires and millions of people's life and destiny which attached on it. Cities prospered and declined due to the discovery of coal mine. It has also become the economy lifeline of the country.
Many of us have few connections with coals, but the enthusiasm aroused by obsession, such as estate and stocks, reflects similar human greed and desires. No wonder people tend to call coals " the dark diamonds".
In this exhibition, the portraits of coal blocks only present a few pieces among innumerous of them. But in this world, the illusions of various matters can still be observed by the multitude. For instance, coal possesses such a large amount of energy, but has its light ever enlightened human’s blindness? Or maybe, what we initially need is the capability of introspection?
开放时间:每日9:30至17:30开放,周一休息 (布展期间闭馆)
电话:+86 592 6372133